Glen Harvey

27 yo  6'2"  40"   31"   gay  7" cock
Glen’s shoot I remember really well, it was at a weekend and because I was doing a video shoot then I needed some daylight. Because of where he lives there was a compromise between letting in a little daylight for the video and not allowing too clear a view into his apartment from outside! About half way through the video shoot a group of young ladies stopped outside and I thought they were just chatting amongst themselves, but then one of them screamed out ”hey look at that bloke…” Glen was slightly embarrassed but saw the funny side of it and we carried on hopefully entertaining a few more passers by! Glen is a swimmer who has taken part in quite a bit of competitive swimming.

Glen Harvey is a gay english lad with a 7 inch erect uncut cock and a swimmer, smooth body with tattoos. He is 27 years old, 6'2'' tall, and enjoys swimming & diving.
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