Search for a banner

Find a banner using the search option below, static banners must be hosted from your server.

Linking banners - HTML code options:

  • Linking to englishlads homepage:
    <a href=""><img src="https://YOUR_DOMAIN.COM/IMAGE.FILE" border="0"/></a>

    Be sure to replace XXXXXX with your CCBill Affiliate ID and YOUR_DOMAIN.COM/IMAGE.FILE with the location of the banner image.

  • Linking to a specific preview page:
    For example:, your link would change to:
    <a href=""><img src="https://YOUR_DOMAIN.COM/IMAGE.FILE" border="0"/></a>

    Be sure to add the path "referral/" to any URL you want to link directly to and to replace XXXXXX with your CCBill Affiliate ID.



Our dynamic banners will update on your site automatically, so your site looks fresh with no work at all! When a user clicks through from the banner, your affiliate code will be passed through as well.

    Model Search Banner:

    These allow users to search for their ideal models while still on your site. The banner comes in two different sizes:

    <iframe src="" scrolling="no" align="middle" width="120" height="380" frameborder="no"></iframe>

    <iframe src="" scrolling="no" align="middle" width="120" height="600" frameborder="no"></iframe>

    Member Favourites & Most Recent Models:

    The Member Favourites banner shows a random selection from the top models, as voted for by our members.
    The Most Recent Models banner shows a random selection from the models most recently added to the site.

    Both banners come in several sizes. Select the type of banner and size that you require, and click see example to see the banner and code for your page.

    Content:   Dimensions:           See example >



You can also add a randomised banner to your site, selecting the dimensions and rating:

Dimensions:    Rating:    See another example >

<a href=""></a>


Dimensions:      Rating:      Model:     


AFFILIATE RSS FEEDS Latest models RSS feed

By using the affiliate RSS feeds below, you can pull the latest content directly into your affiliate pages, complete with affiliate links. Be sure to replace XXXXXX with your CCBill Affiliate ID.

All updates in plain XML:

All updates in HTML:

Photo updates in HTML:

Video updates in HTML:

Model updates in plain XML:

Note: where a link has the parameter "pics" you can reduce the number of pictures if required

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