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EnglishLads 2015 Naked Calendar - Catch us at London Pride on Saturday 28th June 2014
We've got a sexy new calendar for 2015 and four bonus months of 2014, the first month is September 2014. We have been busy on the beach on this years calendar is noticeably different since all the lads are naked!
We had a lot of fun making this calendar, it was a hard day, but with six naked lads running around on the beach there was a lot of uncut cock flashing around. Though the water was a little chilly so things were a little smaller than normal! What also makes it different is we filmed the making of the calendar, so hopefully in a few weeks time we will look to edit down the mass of footage into something horny. The photographs used in the calendar don’t show any cock, but the video will show it all and I also have quite a few photograph outtakes that also show plenty of cock, all of this we will get on line over the summer for people to enjoy. The calendar will get its first outing at London Pride, which is Saturday 28th June 2014. We will have a few of the lads around Soho in the afternoon and they will have copies of the calendar. We will also make some available in The Edge Bar, Soho and The Yard Bar, Soho Check out our hottest yet calendar and enjoy some of your favourite models running around naked on the beach and wait til you see the film! Models in the 2015 Calendar include Aaron Janes, Jack Windsor, Cameron Donald, Alex Parry, Harry Long and Tyler Hirst Download PDF of Calendar Tags: calendar, aaron janes, cameron donald, jack windsor, joe spring, tyler hirst, harry long, naked, uncut cock, beach, nudist, nudity, bare bum,