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EnglishLads at Brighton Pride - Saturday 1st August 2015
A hot day welcomed us in Brighton Pride this year, it was rammed and two of our new lads on their first venture at a gay pride did a great job and sharing the 2016 calendar and endless selfies!
We will be doing a few more pride events, Saturday 15th August Cardiff Mardi Gras and Sat 29th August Manchester Pride. If you dont have a chance to see us at one of the pride events you can also find the calendar in London at these two bars in soho: The Edge Bar, Soho and The Yard Bar, Soho and in Edinburgh at CCBlooms 23-24 Greenside Ln, Old Town, Edinburgh EH1 3AA Tags: pride, brighton, brighton pride,
EnglishLads Models At Brighton Pride - Saturday 2nd August 2014
Our day started on a low, hideous traffic on the way to Brighton and the nearer to the sea we got the greyer it seemed to get! The forecast was for wet weather and heavy rain at Brighton Pride 2014, though luckily our day brightened up and after the gloomy start to the day and a little drizzle it cheered up and we were occasionally treated to a little sunshine.
The crowd seemed to be in really good spirits and thank you all for a very warm reception. Andrew certainly won the award for the most touches and hugs, I think his hairy chest seemed to be the reason many people asked to touch, though we had needed to trim most of his chest hair so you could see his branding. Several people came up and gave him a big kiss, I think he has that cheeky grin that when directed at you just says “feel free to have a kiss”. Alex won the award for being the most comfortable when a group of transsexuals came up for a photo or two and one in particular had hands all over Alex, he did nothing except smile. We wonder what was going through his mind in the photo that is second from last! We hope you all had as much fun as us, ours was a whirlwind day, never quite enough time. Thank you to Revenge who kindly provided a place for us to change. If you are after a free 2015 calendar we have left plenty at Revenge Brighton. We are next out Saturday 16th August 2014 Pride Wales in Cardiff's Coopers Field. Come and see us in Cardiff. Tags: pride, brighton, brighton pride, alex parry, andrew hayden, aaron janes,
Video Highlights from Brighton Pride - Saturday 3rd August 2013
Here are some video highlights from the lads visit to Brighton Pride 2013;
Models in the Video: Dan Broughton, Rich Wills, Alex Parry, Cameron Donald, Justin Harris Tags: pride, brighton, brighton pride, dan brougton, cameron donald, justin harris, alex parry, rich wills, video, Brighton Pride Saturday 3rd August 2013 - Highlights & Photos of the Lads Day Out
Brighton Pride was calling and early Saturday morning we set off on the train and headed for the seaside and looking at Cameron on the train he really could do with some new shorts if he doesn’t want to go flashing everyone!
On arrival we headed for the sea-front and Revenge who let us use their club to get ready. After a quick change the five of us Dan Broughton, Rich Wills, Justin Harris, Alex Parry and our latest new hunk Cameron Donald headed up to Preston Park and did we have a fun day! This was one of the best organised Brighton Prides in recent years and it seemed really well supported by many thousands. We took along our free HOT Beach Hunk, Calendar for 2014 out for their second outing of the year and people couldn’t get enough of them; two thousand five hundred of them just vanished in the first few hours. After we ran out of calendars we decided to head down to the beach for a few minutes off before we went back to Revenge to sign some calendars. Many of you wanted your photographs taken with the lads and we tried to do as many as possible. Thank you to Lee, we can call him trainee photographer now for photographing the lads; we took some video footage during the day so in the next few days we will try and put up some edited highlights for you all! We are next due out at Manchester Pride Saturday 24th August 2013, come and see us there. Tags: pride, brighton, brighton pride, dan brougton, cameron donald, justin harris, alex parry, rich wills,