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Straight British Amateur Men with Uncut Cocks
EnglishLads at Brighton Pride - Saturday 1st August 2015
A hot day welcomed us in Brighton Pride this year, it was rammed and two of our new lads on their first venture at a gay pride did a great job and sharing the 2016 calendar and endless selfies!
We will be doing a few more pride events, Saturday 15th August Cardiff Mardi Gras and Sat 29th August Manchester Pride. If you dont have a chance to see us at one of the pride events you can also find the calendar in London at these two bars in soho: The Edge Bar, Soho and The Yard Bar, Soho and in Edinburgh at CCBlooms 23-24 Greenside Ln, Old Town, Edinburgh EH1 3AA Tags: pride, brighton, brighton pride,
EnglishLads Models at Manchester Pride - Saturday 23rd August 2014
Well what a good finish to the main Pride season, a day at Manchester Pride and even better for the first time in years we stayed dry! The streets were packed with people and it felt a bit like a mini carnival.
For such a great event we took five models along and you will notice a new face, one of Tyler's mates, Dexter Smith, hopefully we will be seeing a lot more of him on here or our sister FitYoungMen I want to say a big thank you to Polly and all the team at Taurus Bar for being such great hosts. We left some 2015 free calendars in the bar so you should still be able to pop in and grab one. Tags: pride, manchester, manchester pride, andrew hayden, sam hansworth, tyler hirst, aaron janes,
EnglishLads Models at Pride Cymru, Cardiff - Saturday 16th August 2014
Here are some video highlights from our models getting flirty with the locals at Pride Cymru 2014, in Cardiff!
Models in the Video: Sam Hansworth, Tyler Hirst, Andrew Hayden Tags: pride, cardiff, cardiff pride, andrew hayden, sam hansworth, tyler hirst, pride cymru, EnglishLads Models at Cardiff Pride - Saturday 16th August 2014
It was welcome to Wales today with sunshine and no rain. Very welcome for us running around in just shorts, less erect nipples and everyone was in such a great mood in the sunshine.
There was no shortage of people wanting to come up and touch and be photographed, and before we knew it the day was gambling along and we were all getting slightly exhausted with the posing for selfies. We are next out Saturday 23rd August 2014 Manchester Pride. Come and see us in Manchester and get your free copy of our 2015 calendar. Tags: pride, cardiff, cardiff pride, andrew hayden, sam hansworth, tyler hirst, pride cymru,
EnglishLads Models At Brighton Pride - Saturday 2nd August 2014
Our day started on a low, hideous traffic on the way to Brighton and the nearer to the sea we got the greyer it seemed to get! The forecast was for wet weather and heavy rain at Brighton Pride 2014, though luckily our day brightened up and after the gloomy start to the day and a little drizzle it cheered up and we were occasionally treated to a little sunshine.
The crowd seemed to be in really good spirits and thank you all for a very warm reception. Andrew certainly won the award for the most touches and hugs, I think his hairy chest seemed to be the reason many people asked to touch, though we had needed to trim most of his chest hair so you could see his branding. Several people came up and gave him a big kiss, I think he has that cheeky grin that when directed at you just says “feel free to have a kiss”. Alex won the award for being the most comfortable when a group of transsexuals came up for a photo or two and one in particular had hands all over Alex, he did nothing except smile. We wonder what was going through his mind in the photo that is second from last! We hope you all had as much fun as us, ours was a whirlwind day, never quite enough time. Thank you to Revenge who kindly provided a place for us to change. If you are after a free 2015 calendar we have left plenty at Revenge Brighton. We are next out Saturday 16th August 2014 Pride Wales in Cardiff's Coopers Field. Come and see us in Cardiff. Tags: pride, brighton, brighton pride, alex parry, andrew hayden, aaron janes,
EnglishLads Models at Northern Pride - Saturday 19th July 2014
Here are some video highlights from our models visiting Northern Pride 2014, in a very damp Newcastle upon Tyne!
Models in the Video: Cameron Donald, Alex Parry, Sam Hansworth Tags: pride, northern pride 2014, newcastle, cameron donald, alex parry, sam hansworth, EnglishLads at Northern Pride in Newcastle - Saturday 19 July 2014
EnglishLads brighten up a wet Northern Pride Well, the weather wasn't much better for Pride in Newcastle, was it? In fact, it was even wetter than London last month, but that didn't stop you Geordies coming out to celebrate in style!
Sam, Alex and Cameron took the long trip up from London to join the fun. The lads got ready in Eazy Street bar and then headed down to the Town Moor, where they were inundated with requests for photos and handed out our very popular and very hot free beach calendars. After cowering under the flyover to stay out of the rain, our lads finally got out and about to get some photos with you all and, of course, have some fun! Inflatables included... The trio then joined the queue at the Life Science Centre to hand out the last few of our hot calendars, and back to Eazy Street for some more quick hellos and pics, before heading off back home. Thanks to from Eazy Street bar for letting the guys use your upstairs to get ready, and also a big thank you to you lot for coming down to say hello and get some snaps with our three popular English Lads. We hope you had as much fun as we did. And we're not done with Pride this year...we'll be at Brighton on 2nd August, Cardiff on 16th August and Manchester 23rd. So if you didn't get a chance to see the guys or grab one of our hot calendars, come on down and say hello! Tags: pride, london, cameron donald, alex parry, sam handsworth,
EnglishLads at Pride in London - Saturday 28th June 2014
It must be said we didn’t have the best weather for this year’s Pride in London, but it didn’t dampen people’s spirits. This year Aaron Janes and Cameron Donald turned up and seemed like hundreds of you wanted photos taken with the guys as they wandered round Soho handing out the new 2015 calendar. As usual we had the problem with too many girls wanting the calendar!
Thank you to Andy and Chad from The Edge Bar Soho Square and The Yard Bar Soho for looking after the lads. Also thank you Alex for taking the photos and appearing in one! I hope you enjoyed London Pride, we are next out on Saturday 19th July 2014 when some of the lads will be in Newcastle at Northern Pride Hope to see some of you then. Tags: pride, london, cameron donald, aaron janes,
EL Models at Cardiff Mardi Gras - Video Highlights Part 2 - Saturday 31st August 2013
Here are some video highlights from the lads visit to Cardiff Mardi Gras 2013, the journey has ended and the lads arrive at the Millennium Stadium;
Models in the Video: Dan Broughton, Rich Wills, Alex Parry, Cameron Donald, Justin Harris Tags: pride, cardiff, cardiff mardi gras, dan brougton, cameron donald, justin harris, alex parry, rich wills, video, EL Models at Cardiff Mardi Gras - Video Highlights Part 1 - Saturday 31st August 2013
Here are some video highlights from the lads visit to Cardiff Mardi Gras 2013, part two coming soon;
Models in the Video: Dan Broughton, Rich Wills, Alex Parry, Cameron Donald, Justin Harris Tags: pride, cardiff, cardiff mardi gras, dan brougton, cameron donald, justin harris, alex parry, rich wills, video, EnglishLads Models at Cardiff Mardi Gras - Saturday 31st August 2013
Cardiff Mardi Gras was the event of the year for us since we went out with a bang at our final Pride of the year! It all started several months ago when we met up with Scott Davies the head of the organising committee and a plot was hatched; thank you Scott for encouraging us to step out and do it properly!
So it all started Friday afternoon when the lads travelled down to Cardiff since they needed to be up early! We had entered the Parade, lending our support to the focus on equal rights for gay people, always the start of these events it went off with gusty as what seemed like thousands all supporting the parade. You might notice the lads are not use to early starts, the sun wasn’t very high and wearing next to nothing had their nipples looking a little excited! We marched our way up to Cardiff’s Millennium Stadium and the afternoon started, bands playing on the main stage and we had our own base to hand out our calendars. The stadium was empty when we arrived and its amazing what happens; within about 90 minutes it went from a few hundred people to many, many thousands; luckily many of them wanted to have their photographs taken with us! Towards the end of the event we had been asked to present medals to the gay rugby team winners, since Dan was the only gay guy among our models I noticed he seemed to be making more than a little eye contact as he presented the medals! After the main event we went down town to Pulse who were having a street party, we signed a few calendars and mingled, an end to a great day. We hope lots of you had a chance to meet. The next outing we have planned is Bulge in Brighton on Saturday 2nd November 2013. A few of our models will be walking the catwalk, showing off some sexy underwear. Tags: pride, cardiff mardi gras, cardiff, pride, dan brougton, cameron donald, justin harris, alex parry, rich wills, photos,
EnglishLads Models Hit Manchester Pride - Saturday 24th August 2013
Manchester was our penultimate Pride of the year, and it didn't disappoint. We arrived by train early (and got sprinkled on from above!). We headed over to Taurus Bar and set up with the help of the fantastic guys there.
Once we were down to our shorts, muscles showing and chests stenciled, we headed over to the thick of the action in Canal Street, which was packed and had a brilliant atmosphere. As we did in Brighton, we took along our free HOT Beach Hunk, Calendar for 2014 and the guys and girls were snapping them up, we ran out of them really quickly again. We caught a glimpse of the parade as it went by, the Rovers Return float sticks in my memory! After spending the bulk of the day having photos taken with everyone we headed back to Taurus Bar and spent the evening having a great time, even trying some dressing up as you'll see. Maybe next year we need to do the Prides in drag?! Below are some of the photos of the day, hope some of them give you a chuckle - it was a fun day! Tags: pride, manchester, manchester pride, dan broughton, alex parry, cameron donald, justin harris,
Video Highlights from Brighton Pride - Saturday 3rd August 2013
Here are some video highlights from the lads visit to Brighton Pride 2013;
Models in the Video: Dan Broughton, Rich Wills, Alex Parry, Cameron Donald, Justin Harris Tags: pride, brighton, brighton pride, dan brougton, cameron donald, justin harris, alex parry, rich wills, video, Brighton Pride Saturday 3rd August 2013 - Highlights & Photos of the Lads Day Out
Brighton Pride was calling and early Saturday morning we set off on the train and headed for the seaside and looking at Cameron on the train he really could do with some new shorts if he doesn’t want to go flashing everyone!
On arrival we headed for the sea-front and Revenge who let us use their club to get ready. After a quick change the five of us Dan Broughton, Rich Wills, Justin Harris, Alex Parry and our latest new hunk Cameron Donald headed up to Preston Park and did we have a fun day! This was one of the best organised Brighton Prides in recent years and it seemed really well supported by many thousands. We took along our free HOT Beach Hunk, Calendar for 2014 out for their second outing of the year and people couldn’t get enough of them; two thousand five hundred of them just vanished in the first few hours. After we ran out of calendars we decided to head down to the beach for a few minutes off before we went back to Revenge to sign some calendars. Many of you wanted your photographs taken with the lads and we tried to do as many as possible. Thank you to Lee, we can call him trainee photographer now for photographing the lads; we took some video footage during the day so in the next few days we will try and put up some edited highlights for you all! We are next due out at Manchester Pride Saturday 24th August 2013, come and see us there. Tags: pride, brighton, brighton pride, dan brougton, cameron donald, justin harris, alex parry, rich wills,
Larking About - Behind the Scenes at Northern Pride 2013 - Sat 20th July 2013
Here are some behind the scenes highlights from when the lads recently went to Newcastle for Northern Pride 2013.
Models in the Video: Dan Broughton, Rich Wills, Alex Parry, Cameron Donald, Justin Harris Tags: pride, newcastle, northern pride, dan brougton, cameron donald, justin harris, alex parry, rich wills, video, EnglishLads at Northern Pride in Newcastle - Sat 20th July 2013 - Photo Highlights!
All started very early for us EnglishLads since we left London at 06:00 and headed for Newcastle, breakfast in a café in Nottingham and we arrived at Eazy Street Bar at 10:30. After a quick change the five of us Dan Broughton, Rich Wills, Justin Harris, Alex Parry and our latest new hunk Cameron Donald headed up to the park and for our first visit to Northern Pride and we were blown away at the size of it!
We were told by the organisers that 30,000 people attended and that would account for why you could hardly walk round the park. We had a great day having our photos taken with lots of our fans, we did some unusual support to a few stage acts, we did feel a bit silly at times, but I suppose we distracted a few eyes and help bring a smile to a few people’s faces. We took along our free HOT Beach Hunk, Calendar for 2014 out for their first outing of the year and people couldn’t get enough of them; two thousand of them just vanished in the first few hours. We hardly had a second off, managed a quick throw around of a ball for 10 minutes, listed to the beginning of Amelia Lily and we rushed back to Eazy Street Bar to sign our calendars; Fun day; got back to London at 02:00 Sunday morning! Thank you Eazy Street for all your help with the day. Thank you to Lee, we can call him trainee photographer now for photographing the lads; we took some video footage during the day so in the next few days we will try and put up some edited highlights for you all! We are next due out at Brighton Pride Saturday 3rd August 2013, come and see us there. Tags: pride, newcastle, dan broughton, rich wills, justin harris, alex parry, cameron donald, radio,
Saturday 20th July 2013 – EnglishLads going to Northern Pride in Newcastle!
On Saturday you will find the EnglishLads on the North East Coast for our FIRST visit to Northern Pride.
Come and meet some of your favourites; Dan Broughton, Rich Wills, Justin Harris, Alex Parry and our latest new hunk Cameron Donald. The Lads will be kick starting their day at 13:00 at the Exhibition Park, where a few big surprises are sure un-fold in the Cabaret Tent. The lads will also be walking round the park for photos and you will get the chance of being the first to get your hands on our new HOT Beach Hunk 16 month Calendar for 2014 and playing a few ball games along the way – so come and join in with them. From about 18:00 the lads will head back from the park to Eazy Street; where you can come and join us for a calendar signing by the models, along with a meet & greet with the boy band "The Mend", and Kieron Richardson from Hollyoaks. We hope you are able to come and join us at this fun day out. Tags: pride, newcastle, dan broughton, rich wills, justin harris, alex parry, cameron donald,
A few of our Models at London Pride - Saturday 29th June 2013
A few of our models Dan, Jack, Chris, Alex and Josh spent a few hours in Soho during London Pride giving out a few booklets and having their photographs taken with you all.
Thank you to Dan’s boyfriend Lee for the photos, not bad for iPhone snaps! The lads had a drink in The Edge bar while Dan slapped on the logos and then they hit the streets. I hope a few of you had a chance to meet and chat and have your photos taken. We are planning to go to the following Pride events over the rest of the summer; Northern Pride in Newcastle on Saturday 20th July 2013. There is a seperate event in the evening which Pride are sponsoring, not in Newcastle but at Durham Cricket Club where Jessie J is in concert. Brighton Pride Saturday 3rd August 2013. Manchester Pride Saturday 24th August 2013. Finally Cardiff Mardi Gras Saturday 31st August 2013, looking like a huge event in the Millennium Stadium. We are planning to be busy in Cardiff, we have agreed for the lads to take part in The Parade, then after that you will find us in the Millenium Stadium, some of the lads will be on a stand, other others doing photographs nearby. Tags: dan broughton, josh hathaway, chris little, jack windsor, alex parry, london pride 2013, pride,
Photographs of our visit to Brighton Pride Saturday 1st September 2012
We had a great day at Brighton Pride 2012, the weather wasn’t as hot as previous years, but the people and party in Preston Park made up for the lack of sun! From the minute we walked in the park the four of us myself Dan, Justin, Alex and Rich didn’t stop being photographed; we tried to hand out leaflets, but you all wanted to just have your photos taken with us! We enjoyed ourselves as you can probably tell from the photographs and I hope we are soon doing another event where we see you all soon, best wishes Dan
Tags: pride,
The Lads at Manchester Pride - Saturday 25th August 2012
We took four of the models Dan Broughton, Rich Wills, Justin Harris and Oli Hall, Manchester is the one pride where it’s more of a street carnival and it was rammed; rain didn’t seem to effect anyone and we had so many photographs taken with people my smile was beginning to hurt my face!
Tags: manchester, pride, rich wills, dan broughton, justin harris, oli hall,
English Lads at Manchester Pride 2011 - August 2011
This was the first time that myself and the lads have gone to Manchester Pride and it was a fantastic experience completely different from Brighton a few weeks before. We based ourselves at Manto's bar (thank you to all of them for making us feel so welcome) and we set upon Canal Street to enjoy some of the fun it had to offer; I can tell you the northern lads really know how to have fun!! Massively different to Brighton in the respect that the main parts of the day were based in all the bars which literally are all in that neat little row making it very easy for us to pop in and visit everyone. We tried our hand at Pole Dancing in one of the bars, think we need a bit more practice! So all in all I left London with Justin at 8am and got back at 11.30pm, we all had a great day check out some of the photo's.
Thanks Manchester, see you next year, Zack What a day!! Well I say a day; I started on the Saturday morning but didn’t get home until the following Tuesday. Don’t ask as this is all I remember... We started off the Saturday morning in Manto Bar on Canal Street, which used as a base for signing brochures, meeting fans and members of English Lads; some of which I now have a soft spot for, and after a few drinks one or two treated themselves with a cheeky handful of our packs, which to be honest I didn’t mind at all. Once the typical northern rain calmed and the sun came out, we ventured out into the crowds on the main street, by which time the Pride street parade was just drawing to an end. Just like Brighton Pride there were plenty of photos, sweet kisses, and cheeky gropes. I found that Manchester comes out of it shell more once the drinks start kicking in, as they came across as all shy at first and then BANG NO MERCY! They will get there kiss, picture or anything else they want from you! I loved it! This time round we didn’t manage to get to the main stage or see any of the headlining acts as time just seemed to fly by, but we did get to meet some great people and have such laugh. As much as I love going to most of the pride events across the UK, I have always found that Manchester Pride is one of the best. Not only does it have countless amounts of beer tents and venues with great vibes, there is also plenty of hot talent too. Thank you to all the members that we met, as it was great for us to actually meet you guys too. If we didn’t see you at one of the pride events this year I’m sure we will meet at another up and coming event very soon. Danny Thank you to James Wilkinson for hanging around with the lads and taking the photos below. Tags: manchester, pride,
EnglishLads at Brighton Pride 2011 - Photographs and Scribblings by Zack and Danny - 22nd August 2011
Once again just like Brighton Pride 2010 we pulled off an amazing day with the weather! When we arrived in Brighton it was drizzling and grey and then from about 11:30 it brightened up and the sun came out and stayed with us most the day! That was just the first of a plethora of great points from the day, the Brighton Pride production team were amazing and within a few minutes of entering the park we were all issued with backstage passes and as much help as we needed (thanks Andy!)
As the first Brighton Pride where an entry fee was charged I can safely say it has had no effect on the attendance or sheer buzz of the event. So Paddy O'Brian, Dan Broughton, Justin Harris, Jay Hall and I set upon the Pride Park to attend to business and boy is that what we did!! Pictures, USB giveaways, promotion booklets, which every one wanted signing and with more walking than the Duke of Edinburgh award those backstage passes sure did come in handy. It was a pleasure to meet those of you who came I hope you enjoyed the day. Zack Elliot. Wow!! What a day at Brighton Pride for us guys. It was up early on the Saturday morning, travelling from London down to Brighton, and I was still very sore from the GYM session with Zack the night before. As we arrived into Brighton Station, it was straight across the road to the Queens Head pub to strip out of our clothes, and stencil on the English Lads logo - oh, and a cheeky pint may have passed our lips to get us going! By this point there were crowds of people stood outside the pub looking through the windows sneaking a peek at us lads in very little clothes! As we hit Preston Park the Sun was shinning, the beers were flowing and there was a white wash of camera flashes from every direction. We spent most of our time in the middle of the crowds as this was where it was most fun. Sun, alcohol, and surrounded by people that are grabbing your cock does cause the occasional hard on, so some got quite a bit more than what they bargained for. We chilled out back stage 'when we could get away', and mixed with some of the celebs such as Alexandra Burke, and Joe McElderry, but we just really freshened up and got straight back out into where the main action was. The whole thing was amazing, and big thanks to the event organisers, production team who looked after us, and not forgetting the huge EnglishLads fans. Dan Broughton. If anyone has any photos from the day that they would be happy for us to add here please contact me through the contact us page. Thank you to Sam Stephenson for his photos of the guys walking around (the last 7 of the ones below). nick Tags: brighton, pride,
Brighton Pride Photos - Sat 7th August 2010
The morning of Saturday 7th August started as a big adventure as myself (Zack Elliot) and three other EnglishLads models Justin, Bailey and Andy embarked upon our journey from London to Brighton; we arrived and came across a pub ideal for us to get changed, have a quick refreshment and get our logo's stencilled on.
The bar staff were quite delighted to have 4 semi naked hunks in their pub as the hoards of people came off the train and quickly filled the place to watch the goings on! We boosted their early morning trade a little! Within the first 5 minutes of being in Brighton the photos began; little did we all realise the demand that was about to take place! As we entered Preston Park we found ourselves with people queuing to have there photos taken, Andy and Bailey were blown away with the response, including the local police team wanting a cheeky snap! The day just got better and better as the sun shone and the park filled with more and more people after what felt like our 10,000th picture request and our second box of flyers we decided it was probably time to head back to London not without stopping off to see our favourite bar staff for a quick snack! So four very tired models boarded the train all eager to have a little sleep, but that was not to be as more fans on the train wanted a quick last minute snap. The lads worked really hard and I have to say I expected them all to run home for bed, to my shock when we arrived back in London the guys clearly weren’t ready to go home and had grown quite fond of walking around with their tops off. At this point I thought there is only one thing we can do; so we descended upon Soho for round two of pictures, drinks and fun. Great day had by all and I know that all of us can't wait for the next pride event; Andy has already called me asking when the next one is! So maybe Cardiff needs to watch out on the 4th of September because EnglishLads might be crossing the border! If you have any photographs taken on the day with the models and you are happy for them to appear here please email zack@ then just add englishlads.com Tags: brighton, pride,