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EnglishLads Models at Cardiff Mardi Gras - Saturday 31st August 2013
Cardiff Mardi Gras was the event of the year for us since we went out with a bang at our final Pride of the year! It all started several months ago when we met up with Scott Davies the head of the organising committee and a plot was hatched; thank you Scott for encouraging us to step out and do it properly!
So it all started Friday afternoon when the lads travelled down to Cardiff since they needed to be up early! We had entered the Parade, lending our support to the focus on equal rights for gay people, always the start of these events it went off with gusty as what seemed like thousands all supporting the parade. You might notice the lads are not use to early starts, the sun wasn’t very high and wearing next to nothing had their nipples looking a little excited! We marched our way up to Cardiff’s Millennium Stadium and the afternoon started, bands playing on the main stage and we had our own base to hand out our calendars. The stadium was empty when we arrived and its amazing what happens; within about 90 minutes it went from a few hundred people to many, many thousands; luckily many of them wanted to have their photographs taken with us! Towards the end of the event we had been asked to present medals to the gay rugby team winners, since Dan was the only gay guy among our models I noticed he seemed to be making more than a little eye contact as he presented the medals! After the main event we went down town to Pulse who were having a street party, we signed a few calendars and mingled, an end to a great day. We hope lots of you had a chance to meet. The next outing we have planned is Bulge in Brighton on Saturday 2nd November 2013. A few of our models will be walking the catwalk, showing off some sexy underwear. Tags: pride, cardiff mardi gras, cardiff, pride, dan brougton, cameron donald, justin harris, alex parry, rich wills, photos,